The Oakland Jobs Foundation (OJF) works to ensure all Oaklanders have a chance to participate in Oakland’s growth, by supporting life skills and job training programs for residents.
​OJF identifies and supports training and hiring programs that work, and monitors outcomes.
“We support local training and hiring programs that teach job skills and expand employment opportunities.”
Oakland is booming! However, too many Oaklanders do not benefit from Oakland’s job growth. For many, the problem is inadequate training and skills development. Some have the additional burden of having served time in prison. These men and women want to take care of themselves and their families, but they are left out.
When developers and employers promote local hiring as a true community benefit, they find that they are limited in delivering on their promise because too many people who need jobs do not have adequate skills to do the work.
OJF was borne out of the mutual frustration of business and community leaders. Business wants to hire, and people want jobs. OJF’s goal is to help bridge the gap. We support local training and hiring programs that teach job skills and expand employment opportunities.
OJF was created by members of the Jobs and Housing Coalition as a vehicle to make the goal of local hiring a reality. We are open to all who want to help.
OAKLAND unemployment by zipcode
Source: ESRI Mapping and Spatial Analytics Company (2017)